Private Loan Program
Long-Term Investment Loan
Term of 60 months or less
6% Interest only monthly payments
3 points paid at payoff for 2nd Liens and 1 point for 1st Liens
Loans are First or Second Position
Lenders Title Policy paid by borrower
Hazard Insurance with Lender Named as “Additional Insured”
Attorney drafted Note and Deed of Trust recorded with the County
Closing at a Title Company
We email Investor with rough details about transaction to gauge interest/ability to fund (Loan amount date etc)
If investor is interested, we send Property analysis with, rehab budget, tax data, comps, photos, loan details, etc
If Investor would like to move forward, we send info to attorney to draft docs for review
Investor can review Docs, Title Commitment, Insurance, etc
Investor Wires money to Title Company for Closing
Investor receives monthly payments by transfer or check
Once property is fixed and sold, the Title Company will wire the loan amount back to the Investor.
Example of 1st Lien Rental Loan
Current Value $275,000.00
Proposed new 1st Lien $200,000.00
Total Loan to Value 73%
Monthly Interest only payments (6%) $1000.00
Total paid over 60 month life of loan:
Interest $60,000.00
1 point, paid at payoff $2000.00
Total $62,000.00
Example of 2nd Lien Rental Loan
6103 London Dr. Austin, TX. 78745
Current Value $425,000.00
Current 1st Lien $250,000.00
Proposed New 2nd lien $50,000.00
Total Loan to Value 71%
Monthly Interest only payments (6%) $250.00
Total paid over 60 month life of loan:
Interest $15,000.00
3 points $750.00
Total $15,750.00